

Relief from Lack of Stress
The term stress implies any condition that harms the body or the mind.Many health problems such as hypertension,diabetes,allergies,to name a few,are stress relate disorders.To keep them at a bay,lead a healthy and disciplined life,and try to keep away from unnecessary tension - this is the prescription for a stress-free and pleasant life.

Causes and symptoms:

Modern lifestyles are often synonymous with junk food ,addiction,sedentary lifestyles,and a tendency to isolate oneself - be lonely in crowd.There has also been a raise in the level of competition for scant resources  and a race to get the best and most for oneself.Tensions begin in families,right after a couple get married,about whether to have a child or not,and then whether to have one or more children.Too soon after the child enters the world,begins the often harrowing experience of school admissions.Once in school,there is excessive pressure of studies,then the stress one has to undergo for admission into college,then work,and jumping jobs to get the best - it goes on and on.

       The body and the mind react to many stress factor.A large number of physical changes takes place when a person is under stress.The brain and nervous system become intensely active;the pupils of eye dilate;digestion slows down;muscles become tense;the heart starts pumping the blood harder and faster;blood pressure increases;breathing becomes faster;hormones such as adrenaline are released into the system along with glucose from the lever and sweating starts.All these changes takes place in a split second under the direction of nervous system.If the stress factor are removed immediately,no harm occurs and all the changes are reversed.

        Stress in its earlier and reversible stage leads to poor sleep,bad temper,continual grumbling,domestic conflict,repeated minor sickness,accident proneness,a feeling of frustration,and increase of alcoholic intake.

        Stress may be caused by a variety of factors both outside and inside the body.External factors include loud noises,blinding lights,extreme heat or cold,X-rays and other forms of radiations,drugs,pain and inadequate nutrition.The factors from within the body include hate,envy,jealous,or fear etc.


  • The leaves of holy basil have been found beneficial in the treatment of stress.They are regarded as an anti-stress agent.A person even if he is healthy can chew twelve leaves of basil twice a day ,morning and evening,to prevent stress.
  • The herb sage is considered valuable in stress.A tea prepared from the leaves of this plant should be given in the treatment of stress.This tea is prepared by pouring a cup of boiling water over one spoon of dried sage leaves.The water should be covered and infused for several minutes.It should then be strained and sweetened with honey,if desired.
  • Fresh lime juice and honey or fresh orange juice every morning is beneficial.
  • Eat plenty of greens,salads,vegetables and fruits.Include yoghurt,blackstrap molasses,seeds and sprouts in your food habits.Foods such as soft drinks,salt,sugar,and caffeine contained items should be avoided.Avoid cigarettes and alcohol too.
  • Always have a light breakfast before you go out to work.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • No man is an island - spend an evening with friends and family,or a picnic once in a while,is a nice way of putting daily cares out of your min,especially in nuclear families.
  • Have a relaxing massage once a week,with stress-relieving,soothing herbs immersed in the oil using for massage.
  • Take regular exercise - a daily walk contemplating on nature as you walk past a garden,see flowers,trees,anything pleasant,is relaxing.Work by all means but take a time ti reflect and relax.Learn to meditate.
Above all,simplify your needs and simplify lifestyle so as to avoid many unwanted stress.

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